About Us

If you want to self-publish you may have already found out that much of the help available is far from ideal.

We set up our services and this website in an attempt to plug the gap.

You might wonder why we did that because we are are an independent publisher and our authors’ works are produced and published by us without the authors having to get involved with activities such as production, distribution and sales.

The reason we are offering this self-publishing facility is that we recognise that some authors really do want to self-publish but recognise that they do need sound, unbiased advice and guidance and that some of the work is best carried out by specialists.

Another motivation for us was the dismay at constantly hearing from people who had attempted self-publishing and had been ripped of by unscrupulous service providers. It really doesn’t have to cost very large amounts of money to self-publish and these days there is no need to pay for large stocks of books to be printed.

Yet another reason for offering this self-publishing service is the fact that we already provide technical services to other publishers so this is in some ways a natural variation on that.

The services offered on this website operate under a separate department of The Endless Bookcase. That means that the services are specifically tailored towards what you need as a genuine self-publisher. Nevertheless, it also provides you with a kind of safety net because you can switch to our more conventional publishing model if you later decide to do so.