This document sets out the terms and conditions under which The Endless Bookcase Ltd supplies Self-publishing packages and related services. The Endless Bookcase Ltd reserves the right to make reasonable changes, additions, subtractions or in other ways alter these terms without the prior consent of the Author.
By making a purchase of the self- publishing package, add-on or additional service you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
1 Introduction
This document sets out in plain language the terms and conditions agreed between The Endless Bookcase (The service provider) and a self-publishing author. The initial fee for a self-publishing package includes the supply of advice guidance and support to the self-publishing author plus the creation of files for publication (as an eBook plus paperback) using suitable files supplied by the author.
For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a publishing agreement since the author is the publisher and the role of The Endless Book is that of a service provider.
Note that in what follows “the author” may also be interpreted as “the authors” if applicable or an agent acting on behalf of the author.
2 Roles and responsibilities
The author is responsible for the following.
• Producing a manuscript for a specified title in the form and format specified by The Endless Bookcase.
• Making sure copyright has not been breached and that no content is illegal or likely to be the subject of civil action (e.g. libel or defamation). Note that this includes obtaining written clearance for any copyright material from other sources.
• Checking and correcting the drafts and finished manuscript and any individual editions produced by The Endless Bookcase. This includes responsibility for spelling, grammar, punctuation, facts and figures.
• Submitting a final finished manuscript and any illustrations for publication as a Microsoft Word document formatted as per a template supplied by The Endless Bookcase and jpeg files as per the specification supplied by The Endless Bookcase.
• Supply of an ISBN numbers for each book edition. This may be optional depending on the authors choice of publication channels.
• Submitting a final finish full cover file as per the specification supplied by The Endless Bookcase. Note that The Endless Bookcase can provide a free bar code image for ISBN numbers supplied by the author.
• Checking the pre-publication typeset proof copy and submitting any final changes in a single document with each change clearly stated and referenced.
• Supplying all files within one year of the date of purchase of the package.
The service provider The Endless Bookcase, is responsible for the following.
• Pre-production checks, although it remains the responsibility of the author to submit finished and checked manuscripts. Minor corrections to the submitted manuscript will be undertaken by The Endless Bookcase but if the manuscript fails the checks it may be returned to the author for correction.
• Converting the manuscript into forms suitable for publishing each edition including electronic and printed editions.
• The organisation of the production of all electronic and printed editions.
Note that The Endless Bookcase has set up an on-line shop through which books in various electronic formats can be sold and downloaded – and printed copies purchased for delivery where applicable. This is available to authors who have self-published with The Endless Bookcase.
3. Rights
The author retains copyright of the work and the full commercial rights of a publisher.
4. Commercial arrangements
All fees are payable to The Endless Bookcase in advance.
These terms apply from 1stCctober 2021 until further notice.
click here to download a copy of these terms and conditions.